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New Project

Adapting Ukrainians to Digital Economy

As part of the Incubating Freedom for Ukraine – Adapting Women to Digital Economy  project, Ukrainians who still remain in Poland due to the war in Ukraine will receive training in basic and advanced digital skills. In addition to basic training, participants will receive help from career counselors and mentoring from employees of technology companies. A tool will also be created for their connection with employers - small, medium and large companies from Poland and Ukraine. Companies that will undergo internships or employ graduates of the program will be able to benefit from special financial support from EU funds in the future.

У рамках проєкту Incubating Freedom for Ukraine – Adapting Women to Digital Economy  українці, які досі залишаються в Польщі внаслідок війни в Україні, пройдуть навчання базовим і поглибленим цифровим навичкам. Окрім основного навчання, учасники отримають допомогу кар’єрних радників та наставництво співробітників технологічних компаній. Також буде створено інструмент для їх зв’язку з роботодавцями – малими, середніми та великими компаніями з Польщі та України. Компанії, які проходитимуть стажування або працевлаштовуватимуть випускників програми, у майбутньому зможуть скористатися спеціальною фінансовою підтримкою з фондів ЄС.

The Incubation Freedom for Ukraine project is a joint initiative of our foundation with the Polish educational agency "Perspectives" that aims at supporting Ukrainian women who were forcibly moved to Poland during the armed aggression against Ukraine. The project will allow our citizens, who will be selected according to certain criteria, to take some courses free of charge focused on adaptation to the labor market in the conditions of the digital economy.

The project will start in March 2023, and we offer you to fill out the questionnaire in advance so that we can inform you about webinars, trainings and educational programs.

The project is the partners' grant funding for the advanced training of our citizens, who are to fill in a questionnaire and pass the selection process. Priority support is given to those applicants who are the family members of a fallen defender of Ukraine, as well as to the families with many children. Currently, under the project, 500 people will be provided with free training in the following courses:

Microsoft Office 101
JAVA core programming language
Computer Graphics and Design
Social Media Marketing Systems in Digital Economy
Methods and Tools of Digital Marketing
Digitalization of business finances and financial analytics
English for IT Professionals

Each participant will be informed about the start of the programme as soon as the Polish partners have resolved some issues related to the provision of grant support.

You can watch introductory free programming lectures right now.

Results of the survey of Ukrainian citizens
about their needs for additional training

The results of the study of labor market trends in EU in the conditions of the digital economy

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